Juggling Road Trip #4 - Santa Rosa, California

What's the name of your Juggling Club?
Santa Rosa Juggling Club

In what city and state?
Santa Rosa, California (about an hour north of San Francisco)

How old is your club?
We've been around since 2005


History of the club?
We were started in 2005 by Russ Powell. Many of the jugglers who met with us at that time originally came to us from the Flinging Fools juggling club started by Chuck and April Fernald in the North Bay (Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Cotati, Santa Rosa). When Chuck and April moved away, there was no formal group anymore. Russ helped keep the group alive when he moved to Santa Rosa in 2005. We changed the name to Santa Rosa Juggling Club as our primary location for juggling was in Santa Rosa. We used to meet at Santa Rosa Junior College on their front lawn and in 2010 moved to Juilliard Park. We started co-hosting the May Madness JuggleFest w/ Carnival of Chaos (Mark Bunnell) in 2010. We now meet on second Sundays (3p-5p) during the dry months of the year -- April thru October.

Describe what your juggling space is like?
We juggle in Juilliard Park in Santa Rosa. It's a nice, modest-sized city park w/ lots of lawn space and some sidewalks/bike paths good for unicycling and ball bouncing.

How many "regulars" do you have at your club?
We have about seven regulars, but sometimes get as many as 15-20 at our gatherings.

What is the age range of your Juggling Club participants.
Our youngest is about 11 and the oldest, well, hard to say, probably late 50s.

What kind of non-juggling jobs/careers do your jugglers have?
Construction/building, students (elem., HS, college), management consulting, musicians, teachers

Who was the last traveling juggler to stop through?
Mark Growden

Clubs or balls?
Both, really. The older jugglers pass clubs a LOT. The younger jugglers tend to juggle balls.

What brand of clubs do people juggle mostly?
Renegade and Dube

Are you just jugglers or are other circus arts practiced?
We've had magicians, hoopers, clowns, balloon artists, and whip crackers pass through. Among others.

Do you have any performers at your club?
Yes. Mark Bunnell of Carnival of Chaos . Also Lizette Guy and Todd Victor of Jest in Time Circus

Are the non-performers content with not performing or do they aspire to peform?
A little of both. Some would like to perform, but most are just happy building skills.

What professional jugglers to people at your club admire?
Anthony Gatto, Frank Olivier, Victor Kee, Jason Garfield, W. C. Fields, Penn Jillette, Mark Bunnell, The Passing Zone

Does your club organize a festival?
Yes. And our festival this year is on May 26th, 2012. Come join us!  http://northbayjugglers.com/May_Madness_JuggleFest_2012.html 

Ratio of males to females?
90% male, 10% female

Recent fun passing patterns you've been working on?
Jim's three count

Give a name shout-out to all of your jugglers.
Andrew Morey, Daniel Gianola-Norris, Don Barch, Eric Black, Gordon Smith, Jeff Johnson, Joe Nelson, Josh, Kai Faust, Ken Garr, Kira Fonarow, Lewis Gordon,Lizette Guy, Lupen Grainne, Marc Azevedo, Mark Bunnell, Melinda Hempstead, Michael Kurrels, Pamela Sue Porter (Twizzle the Clown),Russ Powell, Todd Victor, And others

Style or numbers?
A little of both. But more style than numbers.