Juggling Road Trip #1 - Pueblo, Colorado

What's the name of your Juggling Club?
Pueblo Juggling Club

What city and state?
Pueblo, Colorado

How old is your club?
We are relatively new, we formed in the summer of 2011.


History of the club?
It all happened so quickly, we had all been seeking out other jugglers in town for years, and all of the sudden we all met each other.  We secured a weekly space, made a website, listed meetings in the paper, and suddenly we were an official club. 

Describe what your juggling space is like?
A local church has been nice enough to allow us to juggle in their basement gymnasium in exchange for doing a couple of yearly juggling related events/shows for them.   They don't make us pray and we even swear on occasion after a bad throw...we may all go to hell.

How many "regulars" do you have at your club?
Probably about 5-10.

What is the age range of your Juggling Club participants?
From 3 years old (she doesn't really juggle, but sure likes throwing things) to around 40 years old.

What kind of non-juggling jobs/careers do your jugglers have?
Clowns, face painters, dental technician students, welder, hydrologist, high school students, librarians, beatniks and ballerinas.

Who was the last traveling juggler to stop through?
We're still waiting for our first out of town guest juggler, but Ian drives from over an hour away twice a week to attend.

Clubs or balls?
Mostly clubs, but we still love our ball jokes.

What brand of clubs do people juggle mostly?
PX3 and Renegade mostly.

Are you just jugglers or are other circus arts practiced?
We also practice unicycle, walking globes,acro-balance stuff, rola-bola, hat tricks, magic tricks, plate spinning, some slack-line, poi, and some strange stick on a string thing.

What professional jugglers do people at your club admire?
Malte Steinmetz,  Michael Karas,  Cate Flaherty, Wes Peden

Does your club organize a festival?
Right now, no, but we're hoping to organize Pueblo's first ever juggling festival for this summer 2012.

Ratio of males to females?
Almost 50/50

Recent fun passing patterns you've been working on?
10-club 3 person line drop backs,  10-club 3 person feed incorporating a walk across, attempts at 2 person 8 club passing, some 9-club 3 person 3-count feeding pattern that was too difficult to wrap the brain around.

Give a name shoutout to all of your jugglers.
Stephen Smith, Sarah Runnells, Mike and Abby Cox, Baby Olympia, Ryan Kopp, Emma Thomas, Teelin Lucero, Cacey, Ian Hellman, Ray Noriega, Chaz

Do you all hang out together outside of juggling club?
We had a Juggling Club Christmas party, go for pizza and beer sometimes, and on community bicycle rides.

Claim to fame?
None yet, but on April 6th, 2012, Stephen Smith, one of our juggler's will be attempting to set a World Record by standing on a walking globe for 24 straight hours.  THEN, the Pueblo Juggling Club will be famous for sure.

Drunk juggling club story?
Things became fairly "merry" at the Juggling Club Christmas Party and someone tried to eat a hair clip because they thought it was a piece of popcorn.  Other than that, nothing too wild..

What non-circus hobbies do your jugglers have?

Rock climbing, bicycling, ballet, disc golf, theater, Burning-man,  photography, art, river surfing,